Hello & Welcome!
As far as I can tell, my website is truly, “one of a kind.” Not because of its quality per se (that, kind visitor, is for you to judge) but for its strange concoction of content. I challenge you - go ahead, take a moment, after this sentence - to find another URL that offers reflections upon the joys and glories of playing the drum set AND probes the meaning, significance, and mysteries of Christian theology…
Welcome back!
You are probably wondering, “why?” “Why this most unexpected, even unnatural, combination? Theology and Drums? Most bizarre!” Good questions. Hard questions. Questions worth exploring further (see Blog).
I am happy to offer to you at this time, most kind internet-explorer, the simple yet true explanation of this hybrid monstrosity: I love drums and I love theology. These are my twin-passions, and here, I reflect upon them both.
Maybe you love drums and are alienated, confused, or apathetic to “theology.” You are most welcome here. Enjoy my posts about drums, peruse the recordings, do what you will. Welcome.
Maybe you are drawn in by theology - doctrine of God, soteriology, pneumatology, eschatology - you positively eat it up! But… you find drumming an obnoxious form of self-expression, scarcely worthy of being considered, “music.” Maybe you’ve even had the profound displeasure of sharing a street with that most odious creature: “the drummer.” You are most welcome here. Kindly ignore or silently disdain the drumming content offered here. Please enjoy the theological content. Welcome.
Maybe I have the MOST unlikely privilege of addressing a kindred spirit, one who loves theology and drums. What can I say? Welcome.
Welcome all to “Theology & Drums.”
May your stay be fruitful, or at the very least, not an abject waste of time.
Tyler Pedersen